Saturday, June 26, 2010

ON WRITING: Self - Editing, a Little Trick

So, are you ready to edit your work after the hundreds or probably thousands of pages with ideas, characters, plots, sentences, and the creation of different worlds?
Do you need a break from the insanity of Creativity?

Okay. That word, that typo. Look at it carefully before you change it.
What does it say? What does it say about you as a Writer? As a Human Being?

I guess keeping journals since my childhood makes me a journalist, doesn't it? Many of them burned with the flames due to storage issues. Fiction, non-fiction, and poetry; doodles and cartoons; clippings; you know, all those things. This is something many of us writers do.

While we face the chaos of Creativity and the wonderings and wanderings of our imaginations, Focus is probably one of our biggest challenges. So, in order to cope with it, I have the Discipline of writing every day in a journal.

And if you are also a journalist, probably you’d may found out drowning in papers, hyperlinks, and the sort.

This is what I do:
- I number each notebook (a composition book) with a multi-label sticker.
- I number each notebooks’ pages.
Some notebooks come with 98, others with 102, 104… and lately I found that the last 3 composition notebooks I have bought have 106 pages. Have you checked yours? How many pages? Yes! Three consecutive notebooks with 106 pages. That company gave me, as a customer, more than it promised, more than I expected. I looked at the brand.
Keep searching! There are plenty of things out there like that in Life. Not only in Business.
This company, I think, is buying my loyalty and who knows, probably the store too. Next time I go to the Office Supply Store, I’ll search for that brand.
Is this company doing this intentionally or unintentionally?
The unconscious of this company is telling me that they want to give customers more than they expect. If they keep going like that, you know what I am going to do?, I’m gonna tell my friends to go over there.
They probably could go in their advertising campaigns with something like this “More pages for the same price”.

Sorry, I got a little carried away but if your mind has a similar way of working between the left and right sides of the brain; you probably know what happened up there.

So, back to the topic.
- The last page of each notebook contains equations of my “mistakes”; the hidden and encoded secrets and messages the unconscious tell me about myself, as a human being while I write.

Don’t erase that typo that quickly. Hold on a second.
Understanding the nature of our mistakes help us to become clearer in the messages we try to convey.
It is more than writing on the pages. While we write and edit our work, we edit ourselves as Human Beings and our conditions.

Keep journaling!

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